9 ways you can win a job interview – Easy steps
In this article, I will be explaining 9 easy ways you can win a job interview. If you follow the advice stated in this article, I am sure you will come back to this page to thank me.
Securing a new job opens a world of possibilities. Getting a job is by following some due processes, which can include, An interview. A job interview is a conversation that ensues between a job applicant and an hiring board, sometimes, an hiring manager.
This job interview is done to help get more information about the company, the role, and your previous work, what you aim to bring to the company. To even get to the stage of interview, such a candidate has crossed some hurdles like, searching through different job platforms for the right jobs and position. Also, writing the application letter, to granting an interview.
Although the interview stage can be the most challenging, But, with much preparation, getting the required skills, and experience which is the key to building your confidence and proving that you are the best candidate for the job.
Also, Apart from doing the basic things required for an interview process, like being conscious of your dressing, being punctual, bringing along a copy of your resume. There are some things which has a long and lasting impression on your interviewee.
These includes, your appearance, making eye contact, smiling, and being outspoken. Also, before going for these types of interview, make your research about the company, understand the job role you are applying for, and be ready to show off your skills and experiences.
Below are techniques and strategies of nailing your job interview.
9 ways you can win a job interview
Before we proceed to the 9 ways you can win a job interview, you might want to check this article on 6 Tips on how to create a perfect resume.
Before going for any interview, the first step to take is to make a thorough research on the company you are applying to. Doing this research helps your interests, values, and goals to align with the company’s vision and mission.
Having done this helps to show that you are well prepared, mindful and thoughtful of the company’s interest. This research can be done by checking the company’s website, following them on social media, also looking up the profiles of other participants going for the interview. Because, doing all this makes it easier to connect your unique skills to the job.
Preparing for the job interview comes after making research on the company. After obtaining much knowledge of the company, Try and link up the knowledge you obtained with the interview questions.
The more you prepare for this, the more comfortable you get when explaining reasons why you are the unique qualified person for role applied for. Also, Prepare for the unthinkable things you do not prepare for, do not loose your guard. Find ways to maneuver this situation.
Also, research interview questions online since you are not really sure of the exact questions that will be thrown at you. But, researching for possible questions online can be the sure way out of this mess.
No one needs a negative minded person in their midst. This shows how important It is to show off positive energy that is full of enthusiasm during interviews.
Be intentional about your mode of presentation, the type of energy you wish to show off. Be an interesting fellow, and don’t fail to share your curiousness or excitement about a subject or project.
Do things that will make the interviewee have a memory of you in a good way.
Practice makes perfect. The best way to work on these interview skills is by practicing before going for the interview. Ask a close relative to stand in as an interviewer and practice before them.
Do your normal introduction and summarize your work history, answer the questions they ask, and practice asking your own questions. Be conscious of your communication strategy and also ask questions and let them access and review you just like an interviewer before going for the interview.
This aspect is also part of getting prepared. It is not just about going for an interview, but been prepared. Having a prompt knowledge of your resume gets you more prepared. Having an Understanding of your experiences, promotions, and noteworthy skills gives you more confidence.
A prompt knowledge of your resume sets you apart from the other candidates. Going through your resume is the foundation of a good interview. An interviewer can reference anything and any point on your resume, so been sure of what you have in your resume is a plus.
Being punctual is a key trait that must not be found wanting in an individual. There are some few aspects of an interview process that an applicant has almost complete control over. Punctuality is a part of this characters.
It portrays the kind of staff you will be once given the job. Try and be at the premises of the interview on time, especially if it’s a one-on-one interview. Most times, traffic might be an obstacle, so, it’s better to leave home on time and beat this obstacle.
As popularly known, ‘Dress the way you want to be addressed’ Dressing attractively let’s you attract positive minded people. Dressing appropriately helps to feel more confident. Make a positive impression with your dressing. When you are fully dressed in clean, well fitted and appropriate dressing for an interview, it boosts up your self-esteem before your interviewer.
Dress up before your close relations and Get honest opinions and reviews from them about your dressing. Also, when you are not sure of what to wear, try on different clothing and accessories before the D-Day to avoid stories that touch the heart.
Being jovial and all smiling sets a lasting 0a0impression on an interviewer. No applicant should go for a job interview with a frowning unpleasant and harsh looking face. A job interview is a professional setting with a little of socializing.
So, one has to be friendly with the interviewer, relate with them like you are relating with a senior colleague. Have it at the back of your mind that they are trying to fill in a job position, not just a social gathering. So, smile, make eye contact and avoid being nervous.
It is good to follow up after every interview. This helps to show a momentum of appreciation and gratitude for the opportunity given to be interviewed. This gesture is to leave a positive impression on the interviewers part.
Speak specifically on areas that you and the hiring manager spent much time on and remind them of your skills and why you are the perfect person for the job. Been appreciative is also a sign of good manner. Even after the selection process, you might still be considered because of this kind gesture of gratitude.